Thinking Blogger Awards


The warm and talented Helen kindly gave me this very fine Thinking Blogger Award.

It’s a kind of a meme thing so now I have to return the compliment and choose five bloggers-who-make-me-think and present them with a Thinking Blogger Award.  Well I don’t have to but seeing as I love all things warm, fuzzy and group-huggish, and my blogging has dried up somewhat lately anyway, I will happily participate.

It isn’t actually easy for me because those who’ve known me for a while will know what a decidedly indecisive and dithersome trout I am.   It’s also difficult for me because all the bloggers that I interact with are very interesting and amusing – they wouldn’t be on my blogroll otherwise.   And, what’s more, I don’t like to hurt anyone’s feelings.  Oh but that bit is immediately cancelled out because I don’t believe I have the influence or the importance to hurt anyone’s feelings so my low self-opinion comes to the rescue there and I can forge ahead, guilt-free.  I think.  I hope.  Oh well.

As it’s specifically a Thinking Blogger Award, it makes sense to select the bloggers who tend to discuss the wider and larger issues, all of which I am interested in. 

So here we go:

thinkingblogger.jpgJose: he makes me think.  Jose attracts some busy, interesting and very lengthy debates on his blog.  He raises issues that really make me think.  And he’s a sweet and lovely man of whom I have the deepest respect and fondness for.  Political, Human, Environmental Respect

thinkingblogger.jpgLoneranger: he makes me think.  An American living in Canada who plays the oboe and ponders about the Earth and humanity and about the corruptness of our politicians and world leaders and the power of the people.  A peace-loving guy who’s not afraid to speak from the heart.  He’s artistic and in tune with the Earth.  1Loneranger

thinkingblogger.jpgMrZhisou: he makes me think.  Zeddie is a longstanding internet friend but that’s not why he deserves a Thinking Bloggers award.  His no-nonsense and ever-wise approach to worldy issues makes me think.  Even though he claims to be scatty and unorganised, he possesses a quiet gift of turning nonsense on its head, tidying it up neatly and then correcting it.  And in such a way that when he gives his views on stuff, he makes you feel that you’ve always thought that anyway, it just needed explaining to you.  (Oh and just so you all know – I was the first to call him Zeddie).  The Life of Zhisou

[Beginning to enjoy this now.  It’s making me feel mighty important]

thinkingblogger.jpgMatt, Pete & Keith:  they make me think.  The guys at the Coffee House provide up-to-date, essential Green information and Matty, one of the CH proprietors, always keeps me on my Green toes here.  The Coffee House cares deeply about the Earth and is concerned about corporate imbalances of power, especially when they are detrimental to the environment.  Matty himself  is always ready with a witty comment and he’s a real sweetie.  The Coffee House

thinkingblogger.jpgLittle Indian: he makes me think.  Little Indian’s poetic ponderings are fascinating in their simplicity and he often questions humanity in all its madness.  me no big chief.

So, those are the bloggers who make me think.  Interestingly, Helen’s choices were all female and mine are all men.  Balances things out I suppose.  Helen herself also makes me think, especially through her poetry.  But, she has already recieved the Thinking Blog Award, otherwise she would be in my list.  She is a genuine and lovely lady with a calm and quiet compassion for humanity and justice.  I am very fond of Helen.


And just because I am an inclusive kind of girl, here are my thoughts on…

Misslionheart  Her obsessive drive to keep up with the daily tasks set by her blogging community is a neverending source of amusement (and reminds me not to neglect my own housework duties).  And she always makes me laugh – hard.   And she always finds the most cleverest and best internet fun stuff for her blog.  

Bindi entertains me with her everyday life journals.  I would soooo love to have a night out with her.

Pocket writes wonderful book reports and she makes me want to read every book she reviews, even the books that she gives a bad review.

47 responses to this post.

  1. You are a sweetie EP. I am humbled to be in the above mentioned company and am now feeling quite guilty because I’ve been slacking on the posting front as of late. I’m honored to be on your list and part of this particular memeplex. Thanks!


  2. Earthpal, I’ve never read the blogs of any to whom you gave awards, but, beleive me, I’ll check them out. Thanks for participation and for making me think. Life is too short to forget to give “hugs.”


  3. Thanks earthpal, sweetie pie 🙂


  4. Blimey.
    (That is not a very promising start
    for a thank you speech is it? 🙂 )
    But I could not ‘think’
    of anything more appropriate to describe how I feel.
    Never received any awards in my life.
    Never ever, till today.

    My rantings and ravings are in
    complete disregard to how others may feel
    they usually ruffle feathers,
    I didn’t expect them to make anyone think.
    A thoughtless blogger.

    But, I am not complaining.
    I feel deeply honoured.
    Thank you.

    Now I will have to live up to it.


  5. Loneranger, you’re more than welcome. And don’t feel guilty. Blogging should fit in with your life, not dictate it.

    Helen, you’re welcome. I enjoyed it. And thank you too.

    My pleasure Matty…honey-bun. 😉

    Little Indian, just keep on doing what you do. No need to live up to anything but your own standards.


  6. A night out with Bindi, eh? You better invite me too. You never know, we could each pick up a young fella with dreadlocks, looking for a ‘a root’ 😉


  7. Don’t know what to say. I feel overwhelmingly honoured by your kindness the more so when you include me with those bright friends to whom I offer my highest praise.

    And you, Earthpal, you have been deservedly bestowed that honour.

    My very best wishes.


  8. MissyL of course you’d be there! Absolutely! And will it involve certain police officers?

    Jose, thank you. T’is my pleasure. And much deserved. Yes, they are an impressive bunch of bloggers aren’t they…including you Jose.


  9. Lets have a blogger convention at earthpal’s place. Can’t have the gals having all the fun! 🙂


  10. Thanks EP. I appreciate it. Very nice of you.


  11. Hi earthpal, congratulations on your thinking blogger award.

    … and thanks for the ping!

    As for the night out, I’d be up for it! When are you coming to Melbourne?


  12. I’m up for the convention at Earthie’s!

    Anyone allergic to house-mites? 😆


  13. Matt, you can come if you bring wine. Lot’s of wine.

    Bindi, you can bring the nibbles. And I would love to visit Melbourne. Get the spare room ready.

    MissyL, you leave my house mites alone. They’re house-trained and very sweet.

    Zeddie, my pleasure.


  14. I’ll be on the watch for that convention. It promises to be great.


  15. Jose, you must come too. Bring Spanish olives.


  16. I can cook, er… indian.


  17. I won’t forget the ham, either, and the good wine. On second thoughts that’s going to be a wild party not a convention.


  18. A wild party it is then Jose.

    Indian, I love Indian food. With lot’s of coriander.


  19. This convention is sounding better and better. Count me in! I have a lovely recipe for bruscetta. Do you like Australian wine?


  20. Good. Good. Australian wine is good. A Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay perhaps? And please…bring the bruschetta.

    And a fine bottle of Riocha from Jose.

    Yes, t’is all looking good so far. Very international.


  21. So where are we meeting? A Little Chef on an A road near the M6! Me thinks London might be better, that’s if this is turning into a serious proposition!

    An International Blogger-Friends Party opened with great fanfare by you earthpal 🙂 .


  22. Well, I’ll be in London from 21st until 28th July!


  23. Hi Bindi, you do get to travel a lot.

    Matty, I will work on that fanfare!

    Well, let’s see just how international this “convention” is so far. We’ve got:

    An Australian
    A Spaniard
    A New Zealander living in England
    An Indian
    An Englishwoman living in Ireland
    An Englishwoman living in England

    Anybody else? Would like someone from each continent.


  24. Anyone mind if this Virginian residing in the ‘Great White North’ joins the partah?
    I could bring the moonshine and some apple pie from down south and some ice wine and maple syrup w/ pancakes from the land of the beaver. 😉
    Anyone want to go to Reykjavik?


  25. Loneranger, you would be so welcome. That all sounds wonderful. But please, please bring your oboe so you can play for us. That would be perfect.

    Reykjavik would be good. A right proper adventure that would be. I’ve always wanted to try out one of those outdoor Thermal Pools.


  26. EP-
    Ha, I was going to mention those hot springs, but wasn’t sure if we were all going so far as to bathe together with our laptops. That could be a bit electrifying, but I’m game. 😉
    There’s also hunting for those little spirits/gnomes that live under the rocks in Iceland. That would be a blast. Perhaps I could woo them out of their little holes with the sounds of the oboe?

    Hopefully you’ve seen the project Jose and I are undertaking over at my place under the post ‘Protest Theory: Submissions Call Out’.
    I’d be honored if you were to contribute to that, and of course, anyone else reading here is invited as well. The more the merrier.


  27. Sorry for the shameless plug!


  28. Bindi I’m also around that week. Loneranger, would love to go to Reykjavik too but my holidays are booked for this year. Oh earthpal, central organiser, whata we do?!


  29. Loneranger, you are welcome to plug any time here. I will get back to you asap on the project. Very interesting stuff.

    Matty, my organisational skills are totally unreliable and haphazard. 😀


  30. Oh, look at that fellow Scorched Earth visitors, earthpal is backing out!


  31. yes, well its “The Law of Consistent Spaces” playing out!


  32. Well, I thought it was just a cyber-convention. Do you mean that we have to crawl out from the safety of our ‘puters and actually meet real people?


  33. Is it still on, or what?

    If so, may I please bring some potatoes, soda bread, bread sauce, brown bread icecream, tea brack and poitin?


  34. Course you can honey.

    Brown bread ice-cream sounds…erm…interesting.

    Just don’t bring any Leibraumilch!!!


  35. Am I invited? I prefer tiramisu ice-cream though


  36. […]  Read this for one of my favourite strings of comments […]


  37. Zeddie, sweetie ~ absolutely you’re invited. All you need to bring is…the voice.


  38. cough, cough. No tiramisu ice cream for Mr Z! He is supposed to be getting in shape!(He promised to escort me to a high school reunion). Just stick with the bread ice cream so he isn’t tempted please.

    Perhaps we can set the date for this soirée for after Jun 2, he may then indulge with my blessing.

    ps. the voice? will someone fill me in please?


  39. Hi Bindi. If you go to his blog and listen to his podcast you will hear the voice.


  40. I’m confused, where are we meeting? 🙄


  41. bindi raises a good point, I need to keep (er, get) in shape for her reunion, okay, no ice-cream. Damn, life is hard sometimes.


  42. I have a suggestion in response to miss lionheart’s query. I now think anything is possible in cybersapce. If Mr Z can do podcasts, why can’t we meet in real time on some sort of instant-message type-thing. Even earthpals blog site could work, the comments appear quickly enough.

    Do we need a partay theme?


  43. Hmm…the logistics might be a problem Bindi, with the different time zones etc.. Will wait to see if anyone else shows an interest. If they do, then it will be worth having a go.

    And yes, we should have a theme. Any suggestions?


  44. Hi earthpal,
    after some thinking (read slow mentation)
    I displayed the thinking bloggers icon on my site.
    I am proud to display that you considered me as one.
    Thank you


  45. dreadlocks



  46. Little Indian. You’re welcome. You’ve encouraged me to display my award too.

    Dreadlocks, hi…I think.


  47. Hello

    Great book. I just want to say what a fantastic thing you are doing! Good luck!



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